The Perthshire Magazine

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Three Cool Summer Walks in Perthshire

When we say cool, we mean it literally, although these walks are also cool in the other sense! But we are optimistically assuming that there will be at least a couple of hot days this summer, when a shady path becomes especially appealing. If and when that happens, here’s some of our favourite leafy walks:

Den o’ Alyth

I always think the steps down into the Den feel like you’re entering another world. The deepest part of the river gorge is almost always out of reach of the sun, leading to a luscious, mossy, mysterious atmosphere, accentuated by the sound of burbling water and the spicy smell of damp earth.

The other worldly feeling is accentuated by the tendrils of ivy and ferns that hang down from the gorge, just lightly brushing the water in places. Benches and wooden bridges throughout the walk only add to the fantasy feel.

Birks of Aberfeldy

No visit to Aberfeldy would be complete without a walk round this scenic beauty spot, made famous by Robert Burns. Not only is it shaded by the beautiful trees that give it its name, some waterfalls are so close to the path that you can feel the refreshing spray as you navigate the steps past.

Deep green ferns fringe much of the walk, and there’s some rather exciting bridges and good views of some still, clear pools where you can watch little trout feeding on the insects that hover over the water. The cool stone of the nook where Burns’ supposedly sat to compose his song is also rather magical.

Deil’s Cauldron

Again, this is a woodland walk, although the first stretch of it from the car park is slightly more open. Quite quickly, though, you’ll come to the first waterfall, known as the Wee Cauldron, and it’s wooded from here on. A viewing platform with a bench provides the perfect location for enjoying the series of small waterfalls here, which form a pleasingly even cascade of small pools.

After this, you’ll eventually arrive at the first wooden bridge, which marks the start of a series of steps and walkways that make the waterfall accessible, and a viewing platform over the actual Deil’s Cauldron. It’s hard to describe this in any way other than spectacular.

We hope this gives you some ideas for cool summer walks in Perthshire!