Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get my business in your magazine?

Visit our submissions page and fill in the form to place an advertorial (paid article) with us. We’ll then email you to confirm receipt, let you know if there’s anything more we need, and give you an invoice.

How much does it cost?

We charge a nominal fee of £35 for all submissions.

How soon will my advertorial go live after submitting it?

You can expect your advertorial to go live within 5 working days of your submitting it, unless you indicate otherwise by giving us a different date in the submissions form, or we need additional information or images.

How long will my advertorial be live?

Your advertorial will be live on our home page for at least a month, and it will also be included in our next email newsletter.

How long should my advertorial be?

Pretty much any length you like! In general we’d suggest it’s at least 150 words long (that’s about 3 - 4 paragraphs) and at most 1500 words. If your article is on the longer side (over 700 words), we do recommend also including at least 3 images to go with it.

What’s the submission deadline?

There isn’t one! You can send your advertorial in at any time. Having said that, we will be sending an email newsletter out to our subscribers on the 1st of every month with a round-up of all the articles published in the month before. So if you’d like to be included in that in a timely way, we recommend sending your advertorial at least 5 working days beforehand.

Why are all submissions paid?

Well, we tried doing it differently, but ultimately found it unsustainable in the current financial climate. In order to keep providing our magazine, we need income from advertisers. We are a small business at the end of the day and we need to cover our costs.

What if I want to request a review?

See above! Unfortunately, reviews are very time-consuming and not cost effective for us. It may also not be cost effective for you, since an advertorial is only £35!

How come I still see the occasional review in the magazine?

We have our ear to the ground for all things Perthshire, and so we may occasionally arrange to review something if we’d especially like to cover it for our readers.

What if I have a really good news story?

We are an online lifestyle and travel magazine rather than a news outlet. While we’re flattered you thought of us, try sending it to some local newspapers instead!

Can I send a static advert?

No, we only accept advertorials (that’s paid articles) since there’s nowhere good for us to put static adverts on our home page. You can include an advert-style image within your advertorial submission though.

What if I don’t have an article and/or images?

We can help with that! The Perthshire Media Co provides content writing services and photography services.

I don’t need an advertorial, is there another way to support the magazine?

Yes! Thank you. You can buy us a coffee here.