An Interview with Fiona Lowry

An Interview with Fiona Lowry

Ahead of Perthshire-based author Fiona Lowry’s new children’s book, Mousey Mornings, being released on 11th March, we had a chat with her about her inspirations and process, as well as enjoying a look at the book itself.

Mousey Mornings is written for ages 3-5 and, as the name suggests, features mice! Specifically, two of them, Melvin and Zara, who live together in a cosy little mouse hole. Melvin is a fantastic cook who feeds them both and also keeps the home clean and tidy, while Zara takes long baths and lives like a princess. Eventually, this unequal division of labour causes some strain in their friendship that they must work to resolve.

While the theme of helping others is a familiar one, the purely home setting and lack of any other characters make it feel unusual—Zara must come to the realisation herself that she could be doing more to help. The beautiful illustrations also make this charming book stand out from the crowd. It gets two thumbs up from us!

A Chat with Fiona:

Tell us a little about your background?

I grew up outside a little village in Scotland called Saline. It is my relaxing place. The air is clear, the birds and animals are aplenty, and the uninterrupted view toward Stirling and Wallace Monument is beautiful. This will forever be ‘my home’.

I am so grateful for the space, freedom, unspoiled protected uniqueness, and independence instilled in me as a child, by my parents, and through my upbringing.

When and why did you start writing for children?

I started writing in 2022 after a car journey with my children. We were stuck at red traffic lights and I suggested they think of the Green Light Fairy, the light would change to green, and we would be on our way. This is exactly what happened. The children thought they were magical, and I thought it was a great idea for a picture book that encouraged optimistic thinking. Franco and the Green Light Fairy was born, and resonates with adults and children alike—we all get stuck at red traffic lights in life sometimes, but there is often a positive reason for it.

I became an author to make children smile, giggle, and remind them to believe in themselves. When my children were younger, we read to them every night at bedtime. As a parent, these were special moments to share together, snuggling under the blanket. In my opinion, books are an essential part of a child’s development and imagination. They can take us all to another world from the comfort and safely of our home.

As an author, I’d like to pass encouraging messages onto children worldwide. A thread of positivity runs through all my books, whether assisting children to look for the best in themselves; appreciate the world around them; look out for a little magic; or helping build and retain good friendships.

1. Where did the inspiration for Melvin and Zara as characters come from? 

The idea for this book came to me whilst sitting at my family home watching birds at a feeder. Just below, a little mouse popped its head out from below a stone. After a few minutes, he slowly emerged and started nibbling on the fallen seeds. As I watched, I began to wonder what his little home might look like and what he got up to in life. Melvin was born.

It wasn't long afterward that his housemate, Zara, joined him in my mind and a story of teamwork, friendship, and learning to help each other emerged.

2. Melvin’s cake’s look amazing! Do you have a favourite sweet treat?

Oooh, that’s a tough question! I do love a good sticky toffee pudding or hot chocolate fudge cake.

3. If you were cooking for a special friend, like Melvin, what would be your go-to dish? 

As a true Scot, my go to dish would be Balmoral Chicken — lovely juicy chicken breast, stuffed with Haggis, wrapped in bacon, and cooked until the bacon has gone crispy. Finished off with a thick creamy whiskey sauce, served with green beans and mashed potatoes.

4. Learning to help around the house is such an important lesson, what made you decide to write about it?

I believe that learning to help in general is an important lesson for anyone, at any age. Whether that is around the house with chores, or at school if a friend is struggling in class, or in the playground. It is important to support and help others and if I can, in any small way, encourage this mindset from a young age in children, then hopefully they will grow up into kind, caring adults who are aware of the world around them.

In the hustle and bustle of a modern society, we are often fixated on the task in hand, and it can be all too easy to not notice if someone is looking for, asking for, or needing help. And it is as equally important for children to understand that it is all right to ask for help and talk when they need to.

5. If you could get Zara to help you with one household chore, what would it be? 

Haha. Only one? I would ask Zara to help with the dusting, because that is the one chore which seems to be constant.

6. The beautiful illustrations by Oshadi Sandareka show such a cosy and sweet mouse home — what was the collaboration process like to ensure your creative vision was brought to life? 

Oshadi has created the perfect illustrations for my book. Her skill in transforming my words into beautiful images children will love is incredible.

I originally posted a message in an author/illustration group on social media. Oshadi was one of many who sent me a copy of their portfolio for perusal. Oshadi’s style, character form, and use of colour jumped out for me, and once we started conversing over email and messenger, the process worked seamlessly.

Over several months, we worked together generating and tweaking the illustrations, or character positions and expressions, to the beautiful book I am proud to share with the world.

7. Are you planning to release any more books, and will they feature Melvin and Zara or something different? 

I have several other books in manuscript form that I have written over the years, which are ready for the editing process. These range from more picture books, short chapter books, a full chapter book for 9-12 year olds, and a non-fiction book for 9-12 years.

Each book has different characters, though the running theme throughout each, is encouraging children to have a positive mindset, use their imagination, and to listen to the inner voice and instinct we are all born with, but often lose.

8. Where can we buy Mousey Mornings?

Mousey Mornings will be available worldwide on 11 March 2025. It can be purchased online via Amazon, from Waterstones, Barnes & Noble, or your local independent bookstore.

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