AD | March in to Creativity with Perthshire Artisans

AD | March in to Creativity with Perthshire Artisans

March welcomes meteorological spring, whilst in reality the weather variations can still be testing, the optimism March brings (on a brighter day) is full of anticipation, knowing that the days are lengthening and hopefully brightening.

The promise of improving conditions are welcomed by the Perthshire Artisans, who find inspiration in their natural surroundings, and enjoy getting out and about to begin their creative process, either sketching or photographing what could be the beginning of a future artwork.

Perthshire’s scenic views, big skies, natural beauty and local wildlife are captured by several of the Artisans. Artists Libby Scott, Cathy Wagstaff and Charles Harris all enjoy capturing the essence of place in their personal style, expressing the atmosphere and mood as well as the spirit and energy of Perthshire. As a conservation and adventurer photographer, Micah Stanbridge captures Scotland’s wilderness, sharing his experiences and connections of the great outdoors through his unique imagery.

Other Artisans, including Sheila Roberts and Sabrin Miller enjoy capturing the local wildlife spotted in their gardens, whilst Claire Brownbridge, Lynsey Isles and Mairi Urqhuart have fun portraying the Highland Coos and other rural creatures in their chosen medium of printed textiles, pastels and glass respectively.

A sense of place if often at the core of many creative’s practice, and Perthshire provides in abundance. Enjoy getting out into Perthshire’s glens, walking along the rivers, dipping in the lochs and discovering new scenic spots, you may even meet an Artisan on your travels.

The Perthshire Artisans varied work and creative inspirations can be found on and on social media.

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